black wealth media


Who we are

Black Wealth Media is a film production company and distributor for Afrocentric content. Black Ink - Encre Noire is Black Wealth Media's mentorship program (created with the support of Heritage Canada). This program is dedicated to fostering black emerging filmmakers. Our mission is to create a center of attraction for Afro-descendant filmmakers to collaborate and tell their stories.

Want to learn more about Black Ink - Encre Noire project?

Being of Afro-descent, our personal reality is affected daily by the social and financial unbalance that Canadians of marginalized backgrounds live everyday. Being sensitive to the need of social and cultural evolution is at the heart of Black Wealth Mediaʼs infrastructure and core values. We plan to stay aware and grow with the needs of our society, making sure our Afrocentric content reflects this at all times. While providing a safe place for Black filmmakers to tell the stories that are important to them.

Black Wealth Media encourages and nourishes marginalized Canadians of culturally diverse backgrounds, to share, grow, create, learn and work together. This not only generates a positive exchange but also helps to give back to our communities.

Black Wealth Media sees great value in providing a safe artistic environment that can help enhance the dialogue between individuals, industry leaders, artists, academics and so on, throughout our own communities and beyond.

Our team

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Vice President and Lead Producer
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Production Coordinator and Administrative Assistant
Henri Pardo
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Founder and President
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Production Coordinator and Communication Officer

more about black ink